Strategies to improve folate supply in Germany – risks and benefits

Position paper of the German Nutrition Society
Part 2: Increased consumption of folate-rich foods versus intake of synthetic folic acid from food supplements and enriched staple food

M. Krawinkel, A. Brönstrup, A. Bechthold, H. K. Biesalski, H. Boeing, I. Elmadfa, H. Heseker, A. Kroke, E. Leschik-Bonnet, H. Oberritter, P. Stehle

Folate supply of the population may be improved by increased consumption of foodsnaturally high in folate in compliance with the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society. In view of the present dietary and lifetime habits, however, it will take a while – medium or even long-term – to achieve this goal for the majority of the population.

Alternatively, folate supply may be improved by intake of synthetic folic acid from food suplements or enriched staple food. Considering the benefits and risks involved, the German Nutrition Society argues for the enrichment of flour with folic acid as a most reliable chance of contributing, without much delay, to a better folate supply and hence of reducing the incidence of neural tube defects in Germany. If folate enrichment is restricted to the flour types 550 and 630, i. e. those types predominantly contained in commercial bread, consumers are still left the freedom of choice.

Assuming a dose of 150 μg of folic acid added to 100 g and a nation-wide enrichment of flour types 550 and 630, men and women would ingest an additional 135 μg and 106 μg, respectively, of folic acid per day. The risks involved,after careful consideration of the present state of the art of science, seem to be negligible compared to the health benefits to be expected.

Key words: Staple food/enrichment/folic acid/folate-rich foods/food supplements

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 12/06 ab Seite 468.

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