Legumes in human nutrition - part 2

  • 03.03.2021
  • English Articles
  • Maria Pfeuffer
  • Helmut F. Erbersdobler
  • Gerhard Jahreis

Peer-Reviewed / Manuscript (original contribution) received: January 02, 2020 / Revision accepted: March 30, 2020

Health aspects – part 2

The two-part review addresses the question of whether intake of legumes benefits human health. Special interest lies on the role of locally grown legumes. Studies on the role of soybeans/ soy products on outcomes are given for comparison. The first part of the article focused on ingredients of legumes and their impact on metabolic parameters. This second part of the article now represents legumes´ impact on metabolic disorders and risk of diseases.

Metabolic disorders and risk of diseases

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and associated disorders
MetS is a clustering of at least three of the five following medical conditions: disturbed lipid metabolism (low HDL cholesterol, high fasting triglycerides), hypertension, overweight (most pronounced in the abdomen), and insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The incidence of the MetS causes a disproportionately increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk [35].


Legumes (soybeans, faba beans and other types of beans, peas, lentils, sweet lupins and chick peas) are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber as well as minerals. They are an important component of healthy dietary patterns emphasizing plant foods. Intake in Western populations is rather low. This review presents findings from meta-analyses and some individual studies on their impact on metabolic parameters as well as on disease risks, namely risk of metabolic syndrome and associated disorders, of cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer. There are many studies on the effect of soybeans. Non-soy legumes also decreased in intervention trials LDL cholesterol and blood pressure and improved in part glycemic control. Their intake as well as adherence to a Mediterranean diet were associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases. The Mediterranean and other healthy dietary patterns were associated with a lower risk of diabetes mellitus type 2. Whether intake of non-soy legumes affects cancer risk has little been examined up to now.

Keywords: legumes, plant protein, metabolism, health

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