Nutrition counseling in Germany: A quantitative online survey of German Nutrition Society (DGE) nutrition consultants

  • 06.09.2021
  • English Articles
  • Eva-Maria Endres
  • Edda Breitenbach
  • Christoph Klotter

Peer reviewed / Manuscript (overview) received: 27 March 2020 / Revision accepted: 31 July 2020


There have been various international studies on the general efficacy of nutrition counseling conducted in various settings (individual consultations, group sessions, and online programs) and in the context of treatment of a wide variety of somatic and psychosomatic conditions (including [1–8]). Despite this, there has been little research into nutrition counseling in Germany. In particular, there is a lack of studies investigating the subjective perspective of nutrition consultants towards nutrition counseling.

Nutrition counseling is only funded in the German healthcare system within certain narrowly defined parameters. Health insurance providers’ total payouts for treatment-supporting therapies and health aids (known as “Heil- und Hilfsmittel”), for preventative measures and for self-help measures are relatively low [9, 10]. Nutrition counseling in accordance with Section 20 of Volume V of the German Social Security Code (Fünftes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch—SGB V) and individual nutrition counseling in accordance with Section 43 GDB V are services to which the patient only has limited entitlement. Steinkamp [11] provides a comprehensive overview of nutrition counseling in the German healthcare system. In general, the client must request nutrition counseling themselves, pay for it in advance, and bear over 50% of the costs. Furthermore, the authorized treatment duration is usually five sessions.


Study question: What is the status quo in nutrition counseling in Germany from the perspective of nutrition consultants—in particular with regard to diagnoses, duration of counseling, content, didactic methods, consultant- client-interaction, the effects of nutrition counseling and nutrition consultants’ income?
Methodology: A total of 158 DGE nutrition consultants took part in the online survey. The survey was comprised of 11 question categories with a total of 22 questions (15 closed questions and 7 open questions). The closed questions were analyzed in a descriptive manner and the open questions were analyzed using quantitative content analysis.
Results: Nutrition counseling is required to deal with a broad spectrum of conditions — including obesity and food intolerances — using a variety of methods and information about nutrition and life issues. Nutrition counseling focuses less on conveying knowledge and more on exploring how an individual can implement health-promoting changes in a way that suits them.

Keywords: Nutrition counseling, counseling methods, obesity, food intolerances, allergies

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