The scientific journal Ernährungs Umschau is launching “Ernaehrungs Umschau international”
- 15.01.2013
- English Articles
- Prof. Dr. Helmut F. Erbersdobler
- Dr. Udo Maid-Kohnert
The January issue of the Ernährungs Umschau [Nutrition Review] is the start of the journal’s sixtieth year. Ernährungs Umschau was originally conceived as a source of information on issues related to nutrition within Germany. However, it soon developed into a scientific journal and an important source of information for German opinion leaders [1]. Using the word “Umschau” [review] was meant to provide a link with another review, which had been published by the same company since 1900 – “Halbmonatsschrift über die Fortschritte in Wissenschaft und Technik” [Fortnightly Journal on Progress in Science and Technology]. Moreover, it was intended to emphasise the wide variety of themes related to the subject of nutrition. From its inception, the Ernährungs Umschau has also been the official journal of the German Nutrition Society, which was founded in November 1953.
One special feature of nutrition is that some of its aspects are equally true and relevant throughout the world. This applies to the (bio)chemical composition of foods and cellular metabolic mechanisms (in spite of intraindividual differences, which we are just starting to understand [2, 3]). But other aspects of nutrition differ greatly between different regions, nations and ethnic groups. This applies to the availability of different foods and to the sociological, cultural, economic and health political context. This constellation presents major challenges – both to nutritional scientists and to those providing practical prevention and advice (e.g. [4–6]), as they must be familiar with and allow for specific local or regional features, without ignoring the current state of scientific knowledge or important international issues. Ernährungs Umschau responds to this thematic challenge and consistently provides a current overview of the different areas and subdisciplines of nutrition.