German reduction strategy on salt, sugar and saturated fat (2016)

  • 15.04.2016
  • English Articles
  • Stefanie Gerlach
  • Hans-Georg Joost
  • for diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid

Position paper of diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid

The German federal budget for 2016 allocates €2 million for the development of a national strategy to reduce sugar and salt content in processed foods and to lower consumption of saturated fats [1]. The coalition has accordingly asked the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) to agree on appropriate voluntary measures with the food industry as part of a “minimization dialogue”. A national reduction strategy should significantly reduce the content of sugar, salt and saturated fatty acids at product level within a short and acceptable time period. Measurable improvements providing healthier choices must be achieved by the end of 2020 [2].

diabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe (German Diabetes Aid) calls on the federal government to expand the objective to include saturated fatty acids at product level, to pursue a more ambitious target in a shorter time span in relation to sugar content, and to consider more effective measures with economic incentives for the food industry in accordance with recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO), i.e. product-group-related upper limits or the use of nutrient profiles and/or consumption taxes in combination with subsidies for foods with favorable nutrient profiles.


Foods with a high content of saturated fats, sugar or salt encourage the development of non-communicable diseases [3–6], including diabetes mellitus type 2 [3, 4]. Unhealthy diets also induce high medical expenses [7]. As regards food industry contributions to preventing non-communicable diseases, healthier product formulations are a key measure in the creation of a healthier food environment – alongside restricted marketing for unhealthy foods, reductions in portion sizes, consumer-friendly nutrition labelling ”front of pack” and the creation of healthy food environments in settings (schools, kindergardens, workplace, …).

Appraisal of time bound targets
Salt reduction

Germany has voluntarily agreed to reduce salt intake by 30 % by the year 2025. The federal government’s objective (-16 % on product level by 2019) is an acceptable sub-target, as a way for the public to gradually adjust to changes in flavor.

Reduction of saturated fats
There is no product-related target value and thus no demand for any contribution by the food industry to lowering the population’s consumption of saturated fats.

Sugar reduction
The voluntary reduction of sugar content in products by at least 10 % in five years is too low, the likelihood of achieving the target too uncertain and the time period in which to achieve the target too long.

diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid calls for:
▸ product-related target values to be extended to include saturated fats
▸ a more ambitious time bound target for sugar

diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid recommends:
▸ more thorough monitoring and evaluation (every other year)
▸ involvement of independent expert bodies
▸ use of economic incentives for more effective product reformulation in accordance with WHO/UN recommendations.

Full text PDF (free access)

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