How can process-guided methods be succesfully implemented in practice in nutrition counselling and dietetic therapy?

  • 15.07.2024
  • English Articles
  • Maren Peuker
  • Laura Hoffmann
  • Karen Amerschläger
  • Irmtraud Weidenbach
  • Roland Radziwill
  • Kathrin Kohlenberg-Müller

Peer reviewed / Manuscript (original) submitted: 8 August 2023; revision accepted: 5 December 2023

Results from the Planning Dietetic Intervention and Dietetic Outcome Evaluation process steps


Process-guided methods offer nutrition professionals the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate dietetic interventions in a structured manner [1]. This enables them to make a decisive contribution to quality improvement in nutrition counselling and dietetic therapy (NCDT) [2–5].

The Dietetic Care Process (DCP) developed as part of the EU-funded Improvement of Education and Competences in Dietetics (IMPECD) project can be used as a process model [6]. It consists of five process steps: Dietetic Assessment, Dietetic Diagnosis, Planning Dietetic Intervention, Implementing Dietetic Intervention and Dietetic Outcome Evaluation [4–7] (• Figure 1). These are core steps that the majority of process models used in dietetics, such as the German-Nutrition Care Process (G-NCP) [8], have in common [9] and which various professional associations address [8, 10–12]. Work on how these models function in practice has only just begun [4, 5]. The challenge is implementing the model concepts in practice. Translational research focusing on the transfer of knowledge into healthcare practice [13] can make an important contribution to this. Following on from the previously published article on challenges and potential advantages of translating process step 1 (Dietetic Assessment), and process step 2 (Dietetic Diagnosis) [4], into practice, this article focuses on steps 3 and 5: Planning Dietetic Intervention and Dietetic Outcome Evaluation. ...

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