Ernährungs Umschau in figures

  • 18.01.2017
  • English Articles
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut F. Erbersdobler
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Heseker
  • Dr. Udo Maid-Kohnert

Internationally, 2016 was the year in which “post-truth” opinions (para-truth might be better) became to some extent socially acceptable and for many people served as a basis for making decisions. As early as 2004, Ralph Keyes published a book entitled The Post-Truth Era1. Thanks to “Fakebook” and other media hangers-on and enhancers, as well as a certain unwillingness to check hyped assertions or even to think for oneself, this trend has now found its way in to the general population, to politics and to decision-makers.

Nevertheless, at this point we would like to attempt to present some sober truths about the journal Ernährungs Umschau:

• In 2016, we explored the broad spectrum of nutritional science and practice on 744 pages of print and 243 pages of online additions (full text articles in English, references and other supplements). And with a higher density of nutrients – sorry – data: only 4% of these pages were advertisements (¼ of which were internal advertisements, i.e. notifications of publications).

• More than 230 authors and more than 40 reviewers support the journal’s scientific advisory board, publishers and editors, so that we are able to present current, substantiated and reputable information on a monthly basis. We are pleased that the impact factor has further increased in comparison to the previous year.

• In addition to original scientific papers and review articles, the journal also published six comprehensive articles for certified advanced training from the DGE, the medical association of Hesse and professional associations in the field of nutrition, as well as other advanced training articles, several special editions and a themed booklet on “nutrition counselling”.

• In 13 interviews and 17 conference reports we addressed current issues related to nutritional medicine, food culture, food safety and consumer protection (keyword: “food fraud”), and an international outlook on sustainable food production. Other background interviews were published in the “Online PLUS” section of our website, in which we also launched a new section in 2016 on the subject of Public Health Nutrition.

We would like to continue to address and comment on current trends – from so-called superfoods to cultured meat – in the often emotionally-charged (and not infrequently post-truth) field of nutrition in the Ernährungs Umschau in 2017. We will introduce new research results and accommodate branches of nutritional research which tend to get lost in the media hype surrounding these trend topics by way of our own areas of focus.

It is also important for a journal to have a culture of – fair – letters to the editor. Write to us in an “old-fashioned” style via email at: 

Prof. Dr. Helmut Heseker

Prof. Dr. Helmut Erbersdobler
Honorary Editor

Dr. Udo Maid-Kohnert
Manager of the Editorial Office

DOI: 10.4455/eu.2017.001

1 Ralph Keyes. The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life. St. Martin’s Press, New York (2004)

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