Reformulation across Europe

  • 26.01.2021
  • English Articles
  • Linda Dorothea Kleis
  • Eva Andrea Schulte
  • Anette Buyken

Peer-Reviewed / Manuscript (original) submitted: 17. December 2019 / Revision accepted: 23. April 2020

Results from strategies implemented in European countries other than Germany and identification of factors contributing to their success – part 2


In the article "Reformulation across Europe – an overview on planned and implemented strategies in European countries other than Germany"1, reformulation strategies implemented in European countries were illustrated as the result of a systematic research. This overview is completed by the presentation of existing outcomes of these implementations. Moreover, specific examples are discussed and promising approaches are illustrated to promote successful implementation of reformulation strategies in other countries – including Germany – in the future.


The Google search used to identify strategies was extended by a research in the database PubMed in order not to miss any scientific findings of the strategies. This research was restricted to those countries for which information on a strategy (⇒ part 1) had been identified before.

1 Part 1 of the article in ERNAHRUNGS UMSCHAU 10/2020 [31].


A variety of measures have been implemented internationally to change the nutritional environment. These include so-called reformulation strategies to improve the nutritional composition of foods offered. Part 2 summarises the results of already implemented strategies, presents selected strategies in detail, and outlines possible factors contributing to the success of effective reformulation strategies.

Keywords: health promotion, Public Health Nutrition, reformulation, sugar, salt, fat

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