A comparative study of various screw caps

Is there any correlation between the results of a target group study and instrumental measurement?


In December 2003, the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e. V. (BAGSO) (Federal Association of Senior Citizens’ Organizations), which represents the interests of elderly persons, published the results of a survey on packaging: 26% of elderly persons stated that they often had difficulty opening drink bottles [1].

People want to live independently for as long as possible. When food and drink packaging is difficult to open, this causes dissatisfaction and a willingness to switch to other products. The target group above 60 years of age should not be subjected to age-related restrictions as a result of packaging and consequently distance themselves from the product.

This study is based on a target group study carried out to evaluate packaging in accordance with CEN/TS 15945 [2]. The team also developed a measuring device and a way of measuring the force required to open different screw caps. This device simulated the hand move- ment required to open screw caps. The study examined whether the force that participants subjectively felt they expended correlated with the results of instrumental measurement.


Many consumers, including elderly persons, have difficulty opening packaging. Screw caps are often identified as a type of packaging which is difficult to open. A target group study and an instrumental analysis were carried out to evaluate different screw caps; the results were then compared. The target group study revealed significant differences in the operability of individual bottles. Operability is obviously influenced by a number of different factors: surface feel of the bottle, dimensional stability, size of the bottle and diameter of the cap. The study showed a correlation between the target group study and the instrumental analysis.

Keywords: screw caps, bottles, easy opening, ONR CEN/TS 15945:2011, target group study, instrumental measurement, easy operability

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