Current research on Potatoes (part 2)

Undesirable substances and contaminants; flesh-coloured potatoes

Karin Wegner, Maria-Elisabeth Herrmann, Silke Hillebrand, Elke Pawelzik, Thomas Ellrott, Göttingen/Braunschweig/Osnabrück

Undesirable substances in potatoes can be reduced to harmless levels by appropriate storage and preparation. High levels of acrylamide or glycoalkaloids can be avoided by not frying at temperatures above 170 °C, storage in a cool dark place , and peeling before eating.

Today’s varieties have levels of glycoalkaloid which are safe according to the recommendations of the FAO/WHO. The allergenic potential is low. Nitrate concentration can be kept at a low level if fertiliser treatment is adapted to the location. Potatoes rich in anthocyans are becoming more and more popular with consumers. A positive characteristic of these varieties is their antioxidative potential, exceeding that of the usual varieties by a factor of about 10. If the potatoes are cooked unpeeled, this prevents loss of anthocyans by leaching. With these precautions, potatoes lack adverse effects and have positive characteristics with respect to satiety, satiation, energy density and nutrient density. This is why potatoes can be seen as a modern food with a justified place in a balanced diet.

Keywords: Allergens, nitrate, glycoalkaloids, acrylamide, anthocyans

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 05/10 ab Seite 232.

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