Fish: a Natural Functional Food

Advantages of Eating Food Outweigh the Disadvantages

Jörg Oehlenschläger, Buchholz

As with any other food, there are both benefits and risks in eating fish and other sea food. There are known advantages in eating fish and new benefits are continually being discovered.

These greatly outweigh the risks which are sometimes present. Consumers are sometimes prejudiced that fish may be contaminated with pollutants, e.g. tinned tuna with heavy metals, or salmon from fish farms with antibiotics. As production techniques have changed, these risks are now absent or minimal. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that the positive characteristics are always present and the risks only crop up in isolated cases, when the filter of official controls fails during import into the European Union or during official monitoring in the member states.

Keywords: Fish, quality, consumer opinion, purchase decision, heavy metals

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 05/10 ab Seite 246.

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