Probiotics and their modulating influence on the immune system

A. Klein, G. Jahreis, Jena

Probiotics are defined living microorganisms which enter the intestine in an active form and in sufficient numbers to exert positive effects.

The bacterial genera most often used as probiotics are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Health-promoting effects of these microorganisms depend on their interaction with the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Clinical studies showed immune stimulating effects of probiotics in healthy volunteers. In contrast, they down-regulate the immune response in patients suffering from allergic diseases. Results of clinical studies in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases promise beneficial effects. The immune stimulating effects of probiotic cultures in the elderly represent a new and interesting potential. Whether probiotic-mediated immunoenhancement can promote increased resistance to infection and age-related diseases has yet to be established. EU02/04

Keywords: Gastro-intestinal tract / immune system / microflora / clinical studies

Sie finden den Artikel
in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 02/04 ab Seite 40.

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