Food of animal origin after feeding of feeds from genetically modified plants (GMP)

G. Flachowsky and K. Aulrich, Braunschweig

Genetical modification may immediately change microorganisms, plants and animals. From these changes, many questions concerning animal nutrition result as e.g. the nutritional assessment of modified feed or feed additives, the influence of GMP on animal health and the quality of food of animal origin as well as the fate of recombinant plant DNA and protein in animals.

In 1997, studies (composition, digestibility, feeding tests) with GMP of the 1st generation (without substantial changes in composition, e.g. Bt corn, Pat corn, Pat sugar beets, Gt soybeans) were initiated at the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) Braunschweig, Germany. First data from these experiments are reported and compared with literature data. So far, no significant differences in the nutritional assessment of feed from isogenic and transgenic plants of the 1st generation have been found up to now (e.g. maize grain, maize silage, sugar beet, sugar beet leaves silage, full fat soybeans).

The same applies to the animal food produced. The so-called substantial equivalence of transgenic hybrids has been demonstrated. Recombinant plant DNA-constructs were not detectable in animal tissue samples. Bt corn showed significantly lower mycotoxin contents than isogenic hybrids. Further studies for nutritional assessment of GMO of the 2nd generation with substantial changes in composition or nutritional value seem to be necessary. Finally, proposals for such studies including unexpected effects and safety aspects are discussed. EU03/02

Keywords: Feeds from genetically modified plants (GMP) / food of animal origin

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 03/02 ab Seite 84.

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