The role of nutrition in chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases

Ch. v. Tirpitz, M. Reinshagen, Ulm

There is no evidence supporting the assumption that certain diets are involved in the etiopathogenesis of chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. For the treatmet of these, dietetic aspects are of great importance, however.

Patients should observe a balanced, high dietary fibre and low fat diet and choose from among those foods they are able to take. In acute Crohn’s disease, enteral nutrition therapy is possible, but inferior to a drug therapy using systemic steroids. In the treatment of chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases, diagnosis and therapy of nutrient deficiencies are essential. EU03/02

Keywords: Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases / nutrition

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 03/02 ab Seite 82.


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