Alternative diets from the social point of view

U. Spiekermann, G. U. Schönberger, Goettingen/Heidelberg

The majority of Germans, in view of the lasting BSE crisis, have realised that the mass production of meat by intensive livestock management and consumption of the meat produced in abundance are not favourable. Lasting conclusions are not drawn, however. Usually, crisis are good reasons for change in diet. Strangely enough, however, this does not result in a noticeable increase in the number of individuals adhering to alternative diets.

For a better understanding it is necessary to study the phenomenon of alternative behaviour in more detail. How are individuals adhering to alternative diets socially evaluated? Whoever decided for an alternative diet has usually concerned himself with questions of diets and nutrition. There are different – mostly personal or ideological – reasons to adhere to an alternative diet. How to explain alternative diet against the background of social developments and social changes? How to assess alternative diets? Why do alternative diets, despite strong arguments speaking from them, not become the common form of nutrition.

The authors provide a survey of alternative diets from the social point of view. Structure and objectives of ethical, health related and ecological arguments in support of alternative diets are explained. The authors elucidate alternative forms of nutrition as part of most modern societies. Finally, the chances of alternative diets to add to healthy nutrition are discussed. EU11/01

Keywords: Alternative diets / social point of view
Ernährungs-Umschau 48 , pp. 442–446

Den vollständigen Artikel in deutscher Sprache finden Sie in EU 11/01 ab Seite 442.

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