Healthy Choices Labelling in Scandinavia

Lisa Maria Garnweidner, Akershus/Norway

The “keyhole” label has existed in Sweden since 1989. Its purpose is to make it easier to choose healthy food choices – as well as to stimulate the food industry to make healthy choices more available. Foods eligible to carry the keyhole symbol must fulfil certain conditions. These conditions cover criteria for fat quality, the maximum amounts of fat, salt and sugars, together with the minimum amount of dietary fibre and whole grain – in 25 different food groups.

Now that this system has been in operation for 20 years in Sweden, the health authorities in Denmark and Norway have agreed to use the keyhole label as a joint healthy choices label. The scientific nutritional background for the establishment of the conditions is provided by the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. The criteria and food groups are under further regular development. Consumer research indicates that the popularity and recognition of the label is increasing in all three countries.

Simultaneously, the assortment of keyhole-labelled products is expanding. The successful implementation of the label alone is probably insufficient to prevent the onset of obesity and the risk of diet-related non-communicable diseases in the whole population. However, in combination with different national approaches, the implementation of the label can contribute to improved nutrition behaviour and knowledge.

Keywords: healthy choices label, nutritional value labelling, keyhole-label, consumer behaviour

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 03/11 ab Seite 128.

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