How do people find their eating habits? Backgrounds of alternative diets

A. Häußler, Giessen

The eating habits of people adhering to alternative diets are different from those of average people. A normal diet is usually understood as the traditional regional diet. Corresponding to the various types of alternative diets, quite differents aspects may be involved.

So a disease or another important event may be reason to change to alternative eating habits. According to a definition by Duden, alternative diets are in many cases based on a moral attitude. Alternative eating habits are a means of expressing one’s belonging to a certain group or of dissociating oneself e.g. from one’s parents. Certain alternative eating habits could simply be in vogue sometimes, but may also be practiced by a family over many generations.

The author describes the factors influencing a persons’s eating habits, potential backgrounds of alternative eating habits, the type of person practicing alternative diets and provides advice to dietitians for their daily counselling practice. EU04/02

Keywords: eating habits / alternative diets / backgrounds

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 04/02 ab Seite 128.

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