Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases

Carolin Schnurr, Olaf Adam, München; Sabine Pera, Nienburg

Dietary counselling for inflammatory rheumatic diseases is complex and time consuming. The minimum is one hour for basic assessment, and two follow-up assessments of 45 minutes each.

An essential component of counselling is assessment of the adherence to all features of an anti-inflammatory diet . This assessment is performed with a Food Frequency Table, which evaluates the adherence to a healthy diet, an adequate intake of arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids, an appropriate choice of kitchen oil, an osteoprotective lifestyle, and an intake of vitamins and trace elements meeting the RDAs. Positive responses are summarised in a score that reflects the degree of compliance to dietary counselling. The arachidonic acid / EPA ratio in plasma phospholipids - the most precise indicator of dietary adherence - was significantly correlated with the A.D.A.M. score, confirming the validity of this assessment.

Keywords: inflammatory rheumatic diseases, dietary therapy, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 09/10 ab Seite 466.

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