Macronutrient supply in different population groups in Austria

I. Elmadfa, H. Freisling, Vienna

In the WHO/FAO report published recently ‘Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases‘ great attention is paid to the significance of nutrition in the prevention of so-called chronic non-communicable diseases.

A comparison of the present nutritional situation in Austria and the desirable population intake goals according to WHO/FAO and the largely corresponding D-A-CH reference values is expected to show where problems of macronutrient supply in different groups of the Austrian populations exist.

The Austrian study on the nutritional status has mainly revealed an excessive total fat supply (35–40 en%) and a high mean intake of saturated fatty acids (15–20 en%) and of cholersterol (starting fom the age group of 13-year-old school children, more than 300 mg/d). Saturated fatty acids should partly be replaced by polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially n-3 fatty acids.

Due to the high intakes of fat and protein, the average carbohydrate intake by adults is too low (less than 50 en%). In children and adolescents, carbohydrates produce more than 50 en%, but up to 19 en% come from sucrose. No age group consumes more that 25 g dietary fibre per day.

Fruit and vegetable consumption by the total population averages about 300 g/d. The lowest consumption figures have been found in 15-to-18-year-old apprentices (220 g/d on the average), the highest in pregnant women (more than 400 g/d).

To prevent nutritional diseases, WHO/FAO recommend to reduce the intake of sodium salt to less than 5 g per day. The ASNS has found the highest intakes of sodium salt in adult men (about 8 g/d); it can be assumed that the actual intake is even higher because extra salt added to the dishes at table is not included.

Many efforts are still required in the fields of health and nutrition policy to improve daily diets in the sense of healthy nutrition.

Keywords: Austria / macronutrient supply / population groups / problems

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 12/03 ab Seite 464.

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