Results of a nutritional dietary survey in primary school children in the Rems-Murr region

H. Merx, M. Reuter, G. Winkler, Sigmaringen

Within the framework of a longitudinal study of the development of body posture and posture damages, the diet of 211 primary school children living in the Rems-Murr region was assessed using 24 h recalls in 1998.

Mean energy intake was 6.9 MJ per day, 14 % were supplied by protein, 35 % by fat (saturated fatty acids 15 %) and 50 % by carbohydrates. Intakes of vitamin D, folic acid, calcium and iodine have been found to be critical. The usual dietary problems of school children as, for example, a high intake of sweets have been confirmed. An analysis of individual meals has shown food intake in the afternoon and after dinner to be unfavourable. These results may provide a useful basis for nutrition education.

Keywords: Primary school children / nutritional inquiry / 24 h recall / Rems-Murr region

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in der Ernährungs-Umschau 10/03 ab Seite 376.

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