The (new) desire for discount? – Purchasing motives of discount customers

Justus Böhm, Achim Spiller, Cosima von Cossel, Göttingen 

German discounters have been the most successful retail format since the 1950s. Their continued market success has often been attributed to the cost consciousness of German consumers.

However, the article shows that many of the original purchase barriers are no longer in force and that the discounters have some other advantages, for example, in accessibility. The analysis performed by the Consumer Foundation Stiftung Warentest has demonstrated that discount private labels offer customers a superior price-performance ratio. The consumers have not become mean, but have opted for good reasons to shop in stores which fulfil most of their requirements.

Keywords: Discounter, trade names, purchasing behaviour, consumer, product quality

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 11/10 ab Seite 598.

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