Practical Possibilities and Perspectives for Health Promotion by Universities

Angela Reichelt, Anja Kroke und Klaus Stegmüller, Fulda

Many German universities are already engaged in health promotion. To assess to
what extent these activities correspond to the WHO concept of “Health promoting universities” , the structure and activities of health promotion are described.

Various aspects of health promotion are addressed on the basis of a secondary
analysis of an online database, hosted by the working party on HPU in Germany
(Arbeitskreis Gesundheitsfördernde Hochschulen). The analysis comes to the following
conclusions: Even though more and more universities are being listed on
the project database, the number of universities implementing health promotion
based on the setting approach remains marginal. Particularly the principle target
group, the students, are often excluded from activities. Most health promoting activities
are single projects, which are rarely evaluated and may therefore not be

Nutrition is hardly considered as an important aspect of health promotion.
The presence of departments of nutritional sciences and/or home economics
does not appear to result in either more frequent implementation of the
setting approach, nor in the promotion of nutritional aspects. However, universities
with departments of nutritional sciences offer special opportunities and potential.
Especially in the field of nutrition, they should be able to develop sustainable
and future-oriented concepts for the health of their members and of the whole

Keywords: Health promotion, university, setting, home economics, students,

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 03/10 ab Seite 121.

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