"Bavarian balanced diet"

A balanced diet for institutional catering taking regional consumption habits into account

K. Zinsmeister, Ch. Schöffmann, E.Gawron, O. Adam, München

Health aspects are of great importance for diets served in hospitals, canteens, homes for the aged and schools. As convincing concepts for the composition of diets in hospitals are not available, a „Bavarian balance“ diet has been developed by the authors.

The diet takes regional consumption habits into account. Menu plans for 8 weeks each were checked for relevant nutrients, then the choice of food items was adjusted in such a way that it complied , on a weekly average, with the D-A-C-H reference values.The hospital patients were questioned by means of a standardized questionnaire about their views of the diet served. The evaluation has shown a great acceptance of the diet and a vivid interest of the persons questioned in more information about healthy nutrition. Keywords: „Baviarian balanced diet“ / diet for institutional catering Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 05/04 ab Seite 186.

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