Universal salt iodization for humans and animals

R. Großklaus, G. Jahreis, Berlin, Jena

Iodine is essential for normal growth and for the development and functioning of both the human and animal organism. Low iodine intake and the resulting iodine deficiency must be compensated on an ongoing basis.

Current studies conducted in Germany and in other European countries have shown that in more than half of the population, iodine supply is insufficient or below the optimal level. The only way of ensuring a lasting prevention of iodine deficiency-related diseases is by salt iodization. The present paper deals with current levels of human exposure to iodine under aspects of  food safety, and with safe upper limits of daily iodine intake.  Maximum quantities fixed for the iodization of feed and table salt ensure that susceptible population groups are also protected. The European Commission’s plans for harmonized regulation of vitamins and minerals added to food should exclude any direct enrichment of food with iodine except for iodine salt. The two pathways of iodine exposure need to be monitored on a regular basis. Keywords: Salt iodization / humans / animals Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 04/04 ab Seite 138.

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