Fast food consumption by adolescents - findings interpreted under health aspects

J. Raithel, Bielefeld

Fast food, if consumed regularly, is considered to be physiologically problematic. Under aspects of health promotion, the question of a relation between fast food consumption, nutritional attitudes and other ways of behaviour relevant for nutrition arises.

In a study in 14- to 16-year-old adolescents those seldom consuming fast food were compared to those regularly consuming fast food. A nutritional behaviour guided by health aspects and ways of behaviour beneficial to health have only been found in those seldom consuming fast food. Those regularly consuming fast food have been found to show ways of behaviour which are detrimental to health. For reasons of health promotion, a conception focussing on gender and lifestyle and offering new prospectives is necessary. EU09/02

Keywords: Adolescents / fast food consumption / health aspects

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 09/02 ab Seite340.

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