Low-carbohydrate diets (low-carb) for weight reduction

Th. Ellrott, V. Pudel, Goettingen

As several studies from mostly anglo-saxon countries have shown, low-carbohydrate diets, as many other diets, are able to reduce weight in short term. There is no study available at present, however, showing that the initial success of these drastically restricted diets may last over the medium and long term.

Contrary to that, available studies on successful weight losers with maintenance of weight over years after initial weight reduction, have shown that a high-carbohydrate , relatively high-protein (approx. 19 energy percent) and low-fat diet (approx. 25 energy percent) is the key dietary strategy for long term weight loss.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 02/05 ab Seite 48.


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