Characteristics of persons with very low alcohol consumption in the region of Augsburg

J. König, A. Döring, C. Huth, Neuherberg/Munich

An inverse relationship between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease has been shown in several studies. There is evidence, however, that light drinkers differ from those who live totally abstinent from alcohol in various factors which influence health.

In this paper, presumable associations between sociodemographic and health related factors and alcohol consumption are investigated. The three characterized groups of alcohol consumers are light drinkers , alcohol abstainers (less then one drink per month) and lifelong-abstainers. Moreover, the reasons for (lifelong) abstinence from alcohol are described. Data were obtained from 789 individuals aged 28–77 years of the representative KORA/MAGiC-Control study conducted in the region of Augsburg.

The age standardized prevalence of light alcohol consumption is 25 % for men and 52 % for women in this German population. The prevalence of alcohol abstinence is 9 % among men and 19 % among women. 8 % of the women never drank alcohol in their lives whereas lifelong abstinence from alcohol is rare among men. Gender, BMI and smoking habits are associated with light alcohol drinking. Among light drinkers abstainers differ from individuals not being total abstainers with regard to age, BMI, “living with a partner”, and education.

Future risk estimates for individuals with low alcohol consumption should differentiate among subgroups of light drinkers and include total abstinence. The confounding factors at least should be taken into account.

Keywords: Characteristics / persons / very low alcohol consumption / Augsburg

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 03/05 ab Seite 84.

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