Present and historical significance of ergot

Winfried Wiesemueller, Rostock

Ergot is a permanent mycelium of the fungus Claviceps purpurea predominantly present on rye ears. In the Middle Ages, cereals contaminated by ergot led to epidemic intoxications . The spasms often made extremities to remain in abnormal position.

In another form, especially found in France (St. Anthony’s disease, gangrenous ergotism) peripheral blood vessels were damaged and the blue-black mumified parts mortified. From the 11th to the 17th century, the order of St. Anthony took care of those who had fallen ill with ergotism. The ergot alkaloids ergometrine and ergotamine which are derivatives of lysergic acid are still used in medicine.

Ergot still is a serious fungal disease, the extent of which can be limited, however, by today’s scientific and technical knowledge. Maximum contents of ergot allowed in cereals for human consumption, fodder cereals and seed-corn have been legally fixed.

Keywords: Ergot / claviceps purpurea / rye / ergotism/ significance

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 04/05 ab Seite 146.

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