Evidential Base of Measures for the Population-Based Prevention of Nutrition-Associated Diseases

Leonie Knorpp, Anja Kroke, Fulda; Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn, Berlin

The transfer of the concept of evidence-based medicine to the area of nutritional prevention is linked to the hope of being able to identify effective and safe methods to improve public health.

However, measures to avoid nutrition- associated diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases differ in some fundamental properties from current EbM. Thus, an evidence-based approach to the systematic evaluation of measures for the populationbased prevention of diseases associated with nutrition would have to respond to specific challenges. As there is currently no such approach in Germany, the present article deals with the necessity of such an approach, together with the principles and challenges involved. Reference is made to the developments in other countries.

Keywords: Public health nutrition, evidence base, nutritional diseases, prevention

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/11 ab Seite 182.

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