Biofortification of Staple Crops

How well does it work and what does it cost?

Matin Qaim, Alexander J. Stein, Göttingen

Biofortification of staple crops is a new approach to control micronutrient malnutrition. These crops are bred for higher concentrations of micronutrients in their edible parts.

Especially in developing countries, the objective is to reach target populations that live in remote rural areas, where they are hardly covered by other micronutrient programmes. Initial studies indicate that it is possible to achieve acceptance of these crops among target groups. Analyses further show that these crops are economically efficient and can considerably reduce the burden of disease of micronutrient malnutrition, if the general conditions are favourable. In some cases, biofortified crops could also be an interesting alternative in industrialised countries.

Keywords: biofortification, staple crops, vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, golden rice, developing countries

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 05/09 ab Seite 274.

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