Evaluation of food circle and food pyramid at school

G. Eissing, J. Lach, Dortmund

Illustrations of nutritional recommendations have been published in many forms, but mainly in a circle or pyramid form. Empirical studies on the effectiveness of such illustrations are rare. In a study in 240 13- to 16-year-old pupils, two food circles and a food pyramid were compared regarding their effect on a change in knowledge and on health-related attitudes and intentions.

19 groups of pupils were each presented either one of the food circles or the food pyramid. The results have shown that many positive effects are achieved by all forms presented, but that the pyramid was the most effective illustration.

Keywords: Food circle / food phyramid / evaluation school. EU02/03

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 01/03 ab Seite 50.

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