Professional situation of ``ecotrophologists´´ from Fulda University of Applied Sciences

K. Kohlenberg-Müller, H. Hollenbach, Fulda

Fulda University of Applied Sciences offers a degree course in household management, nutrition and food quality . In march and april 2002, graduates of this course ("ecotrophologists ") were questioned about their present professional situation.

379 graduates of the years since 1988 responded, among them 80.2 % women and 19.8 % men; their ages averaged 32.8 ± 4.8 and 35.3 ± 5.0, resp. 48 % of the men, but only 31.6 % of the women have a child (or children). 86.3 % of all graduates (84.5 % of the women and 93.3 % of the men) work. 10 % of the women, and 7.9 % of the questioned, are not looking for a job, mainly because of family work. 5.8% only are looking for employment. 25.7 % of the women and 8.6 % of the men are part-timers.

Of the working ecotrophologists, 39.5% work in the services sector (14.7 % of these in the Public Health Service), 22 % in industry (16.5 % of these in food industry and trade), 11 % in the educational sector. 22.9 % work in various other fields. The most important fields of activity are counselling (46 %), training and further education (28 %), planning and organization (30 %), and quality management (21.1 %). Differences in positions and incomes between women and men are obvious.

Graduates of Fulda University of Applied Sciences use the advantages of the interdisciplinary, project and practice oriented curriculum. They successfully compete with academics of related disciplines.

Keywords: Professional situation / graduates from Fulda University of Applied sciences / ecotrophologists. EU02/03

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 01/03 ab Seite 45.

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