The 3D Body Scan as an anthropometric analysis to measure the specific body surface

Elmar Schlich, Melitta Schumm, Giessen; Michaela Schlich, Koblenz

The surface of the human body determines heat exchange to the environment – a major element of the energy balance. Laser-supported body scanning was used to measure the active heat exchange surface in 188 subjects.

The evaluation was used to calculate the “specific body surface” and its reciprocal, the “area mass index” (AMI). The specific body surface tended to decrease hyperbolically with BMI. There were significant differences between AMI and BMI, and these differences tended to be less at higher values of BMI. This is because the BMI fails to reflect the fact that slender bodies always exhibit higher surface areas than squat bodies.

These results show that people with higher BMI face disadvantages in reducing body mass. On the other hand, people with lower BMI have problems gaining weight, because of their higher a. The data could help to amend the tra ditional role of BMI in body mass management, as is usually propagated by nutritionists, and serves to emphasise the importance of the individual build.

Keywords: 3D body scan, body mass index, specific body surface, area mass index, energy balance.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/10 ab Seite 178.

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