Acceptance of innovation in the food sector – a comparison between France and Germany with nanotechnology as example

Andrea Bieberstein, Jutta Roosen, Sandrine Blanchemanche, Stéphan Marette, Frederic Vandermoere, München, Paris und Grignon und Gent (Belgien)

Previous studies have shown that consumer’s acceptance of novel food technologies depends upon several factors, including their attitude towards science and technology. Despite increasing homogenisation, there are still differences between the European countries in this respect.

The paper compares the factors influencing the acceptance of a novel food technology, nanotechnology, in France and Germany. The study’s findings show that German consumers possess a more differentiated concept of nanotechnology, as they distinguish between different kinds of nanofood applications, whereas French consumers are more sceptical in general. This is reflected in a higher proportion of sceptical consumers in France, and a more positive attitude towards science and technology among German consumers.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, consumers, consumer attitudes, food/food packaging, health risks

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 06/11 ab Seite 290.

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