Self-help programme for weight reduction with and without support by a handheld nutrition computer

T. Ellrott, A. Austel, Ch. Rademacher, H. Oberritter, R. Benecke, C. Borges, U. Wahrburg, V. Pudel, Göttingen, Bonn, Hamburg, Münster

The additional use of a handheld nutrition computer has little impact on the short-term success of a self-help programme for weight reduction. Compliance is a main problem of self-help programmes. Without external controls, many participants soon give up.

The present study has shown that a handheld nutrition computer clearly improves compliance; the quota of those who give up is reduced by 70 %. The computer was especially useful during those weeks in which self monitoring was required. The therapeutical success of the programme could probably be further improved if the computer is not only used in 5 out of 12 weeks, but over the entire programme period. Further studies are needed to find out whether the favourable effect on compliance will also continue beyond the period investigated .

Key words: Weight reduction / self-help programme / support / handheld nutrition computer

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/05 ab Seite 389.

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