Cooking Programmes: Can they provide nutritional education?

Ute Bender, Basel

This article describes a research project to investigate whether cooking programmes can be used to teach young people about nutrition. 287 boys and girls in the area round Karlsruhe in the eighth year of school were interviewed in this quantitative study.

The article emphasises some specific results. The young people in the sample rather rarely viewed cooking programmes, but preferred cooking competitions. They were not interested in the cooks, but thought that the entertainment value was important. It was also expected – particularly by secondary school pupils – that the programmes should provide information. As secondary school pupils also view cooking programmes more frequently than other teenagers, it may be that cooking programmes can be used as educational television – in the broad sense – for this target group. The taste of all young people could be served in cooking programmes with a mixture of information, attractive entertainment and relatively simple dishes.

Keywords: nutritional education, young people, eating behaviour, cooking, educational television

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 10/10 ab Seite 532.

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