Significance of nuts in the daily diet for prevention of cardiovascular diseases

U. Brehme, Tuebingen

There is increasing evidence that the consumption of nuts has a favourable influence on the plasma lipid profile and on coronary heart disease mortality.

In 13 clinical studies lasting 3 to 24 weeks, the effect of 15 diets containing walnuts, almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pecans or pistachio nuts on plasma lipids was investigated. Compared to a control diet, the concentration of total cholesterol and of triglycerides decreased by 7 % on average, that of LDL cholesterol by 10 %. Concerning the HDL cholesterol concentration, 6 diets led to an increase between 1.8 and 14.2 %, 8 diets to a reduction between 0.6 and 10.2 %, and one diet was without effect.

In 5 large epidemiological studies including the Nurses’ Health Study, Adventist Health Study and Iowa Women’s Health Study, the frequent intake of nuts correlated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases. The risk reduction was between 18 and 51 %. In groups of older people and persons with cardiovascular diseases, it was only 25–39 %.

The beneficial effects are mainly due to the favourable fatty acid pattern of nuts. However, the dietary fibre and phytosterol content could also play a role. Arginine as NO precursor may possibly act directly on the arterial vascular wall. Consumption of nuts can be recommended for the prevention of elevated lipid levels and cardiovascular diseases, provided attention is paid to the high dietary energy content of nuts and some unfavourable substances such as aflatoxins and allergens.

Keywords: nuts / cardiovascular diseases / prevention

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 02/02 ab Seite 44.



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