Methods of the second German National Nutrition Survey

C. Krems, A. Bauch, A. Götz, T. Heuer, A. Hild, J. Möseneder, C. Brombach, Karlsruhe, Berlin

In the second German National Nutrition Survey , different methods are used to learn about the nutritional behaviour of 20000 subjects between 14 and 80 years of age. Energy and nutrient intake as well as meal structures and meal patterns are assessed by dietary history interviews using DISHES 05 and 24-h recalls via EPIC-SOFT. Both programmes had to be adapted to the specific objectives and questions of NVS II.

Adaptations included different aspects such as, e.g., food choice, places of consumption, quantification methods and packaging.

In addition, a computer-assisted personal interview and a questionnaire are used to determine other aspects of the consumption and general health behaviour and sociodemographic data.

Furthermore, body weight, body height and some other anthropometric measurements are assessed to calculate body mass index and waist-to-hip-ratio of the participants.  A dietary weighing record is also included. It is to provide an important data base to evaluate food-related risks to health.

Before the actual study, practicability and completeness of the individual methods were verified in a pretest. The methodical concept underlying NVS II is in accordance with EFCOSUM standards.

Keywords: Nutrition Survey / computer assisted personal interview / dietary history / anthropometric measurements / questionnaire / 24-h recall / dietary weighing record

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 02/06 ab Seite 44.

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