Dietary intake and risk for dementia – what is the evidence?

A review of epidemiological studies

Dorothee Volkert, Patrick Öckl, Anna Stahl

Dementia, the most common cause of cognitive impairment, is one of our major health problems. A possible role of nutrition in the development of dementia is being discussed. A change in diet, accordingly, could possibly prevent or at least delay the onset of the disease. The present paper presents a review of our present knowledge about the relation between nutrition and the risk of dementia.

A Medline search for epidemiological studies examining the relationship between nutritional factors and the risk for dementia identified nine cohort studies. In all studies dementia was diagnosed according to common international criteria. Data were statistically analysed using multiple regression models adjusting for known risk factors. Dietary intake was predominantly assessed by food frequency questionnaires of variable extent. Intake of antioxidants , fat, fatty acids, fish and alcohol was calculated and related to the risk of dementia.

A decreased risk of dementia has been found in individuals with relatively high intake of vitamin C and E, in persons whose diets included regular intake of fish and in those reporting moderate consumption of alcohol or wine, respectively. The results altogether are inconsistent and the data available are insufficient. Data interpretation is hampered by great differences between the studies with regard to the methods used, number and age of participants, duration, dietary assessment methods and dietary intake ranges.

In conclusion, some studies suggest that certain nutritional factors – high-antioxidant food, regular fish and moderate alcohol consumption – could have a protective effect. However, it is not possible to derive specific recommendations for dietary or supplemental intake to prevent dementia.

Keywords: Dietary intake and / risk / dementia / evidence / epidemiological studies

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 05/05 ab Seite 172.

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