Raw food diet

A study in individuals on a long-term vegetable diet

Edmund Semler, Engelhartstetten, Österreich

The long-term effects of raw food have not been explored. Many of those who, in the nineties of the past century, had participated in a study of a strict vegetable diet, do not follow this regimen any more.

73 individuals studied who had observed the diet over a longer period of time, do not smoke; the majority of them is vegetarian and of normal weight. Underweight is more frequent in strict diets of raw vegetables, overweight is rare. An evaluation of the results of the study available so far should make allowance of the fact that the majority of those participating in the study had practized an imbalanced diet characteristic of which were many fruit and a restricitrve selection of food.

Keyword: raw food diet, BMI, convictions regarding raw food diets, individuals observing raw food diets for an extended period of time.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 05/08 ab Seite 280.

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