A guide to food labelling

Part 2: Symbols referring to health and sensory quality

Claudia Weiß, Karlsruhe

Consumer information on German food packages includes a great many symbols of quality, origin etc. They are intended to help consumers in making their choice, but often fail to do so because of the confusing multitude of different types of symbols.

In the present second part of the contribution symbols referring to aspects of health (Zahnmännchen, Ecarf symbol, V label), sensory quality (CMA and DLG), food safety (QS test system, TÜV Süd) as well as comparative product tests (Stiftung Warentest and tests of produce of organic farming) and symbols of meat brands are presented.

The symbols are evaluated according to the judgements of consumer protectors, associations and the internet platform label-online.de. Essential evaluation criteria are the claim (of the information conveyed by the symbol), independence (who awards the symbol?), possibility of checking the compliance with criteria), and transparency (is the evaluation convincing?).

Keywords: quality symbol, food protecting the teeth, health information, sensory quality, consumer protection

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 06/08 ab Seite 340.

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