Salt Reduction as a Population-Base Preventive Measure

Part 2 – Evidence on the Hypotensive Effect of Reduced Salt Intake

Leonie Knorpp, Anja Kroke, Fulda

Studies on the hypotensive effect of salt reduction have given inconsistent results and their benefit is disputed, particularly for normotensives. Analysis of evidence with meta-analyses is now the standard approach.

The available meta-analyses show that many studies are of limited value, due to pure methodological quality. The best available studies are the 2004 meta-analysis of He and Mac- Gregor and the DASH study. These indicate that a moderate reduction in salt intake by about 4–6 g/day leads to a reduction in the systolic/diastolic blood pressure by 5/3 mmHg in hypertensives and by 2/1 mmHg in normotensives.

Keywords: hypertension, high blood pressure, salt intake, meta-analysis, hypertensive, salt sensitivity

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 07/10 ab Seite 357.

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