Means of improving folate supply

Enrichment of flour in Germany as well?

M. Burger, A. Weissenborn, Ch. Klemm, H. Przyrembel, G. Mensink, Berlin

As periconceptional folic acid supplementation has been shown to prevent neural tube defects and because folate intake in Germany is generally low, enrichment of flour with folic acid may be a means of preventing neural tube defects.

To learn about benefits and risks of folate enrichment, the influence of several fortification levels on folate supply was calculated using data of the German Nutrition Survey 1998.

Three levels of flour fortification, in combination with low and high fortification levels of dairy products, soft drinks and cereals were simulated. The results have shown that a legally provided fortification of flour which is regularly consumed by all groups of the population improves folate supply and, in addition, would render intake of synthetic folic acid more controllable as compared to the currently unregulated enrichment of food.

Keywords: Folate / folate supply / enrichment / flour

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 08/04 ab Seite 318.

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