Food-Based Prevention Concepts
- 13.08.2009
- Print-Artikel
- Redaktion
Heiner Boeing, Nuthetal
Food-based recommendations for prevention used to be presented as simple schemes, such as food pyramids or rings. They have been developed to include quantities and portion sizes, with an integrated concept for healthy preventative nutrition, as well as sensible values supported by nutritional recommendations and special emphasis on energy values.The recommendations have become more detailed and include the groups of food with the greatest preventive potential. In principle, a food-based preventative concept can be used in many situations where advice is required, as well as individual nutritional advice. The design of concepts of this sort should continue to exploit modern communication tools, as well as web-based individual calculation modules.
Keywords: Prevention, nutrients, foods, recommended intake, advice
Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 08/09 ab Seite 468.