On the setting of maximum and minimum amounts for vitamins and minerals in foodstuffs

B. Gassmann, Nuthetal

An EC-wide harmonization of rules governing the setting of maximum and minimum amounts for vitamins and minerals in foods for general consumption and in food supplements shall be completed in 2006/2007. The views of nutritionists, producers and consumer protectors differ widely, however, as far as tolerable daily intakes of fortified foods and food supplements, methods of how to determine the upper safe levels of vitamins and minerals and regulations for product categories, individual products and individual portions for consumption are concerned.

A discussion paper issued by the European Commission listing open questions in this field is intended to promote the discussion on these as a part of the consultation process; the paper also seeks comments on several model calculations proposed by various scientific bodies, organizations and institutions. All these models are based on one and the same US American concept of risk assessment and food safety, but differ in the importance attached to the two aspects of the concept.

Accordingly, different ranges of discretion are provided for the establishment of maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and other foods. This is mainly due to the lack of numerically derived specific tolerable upper intake levels by the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) and the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) for half of the nutrients in question, and of up-dated reference values for food labelling, but also to the absence of actual dietary surveys data which, as recommendations for nutrient and energy intakes, could be regarded as representative of, and duely valid for all member-states.

Additionally there is some irregular need for safety and regulation in the food trade. In view of the present state of efforts towards a harmonization therefore it will no doubt be difficult to arrive at a compromise which, in accordance with what is required by the European Community, will provide a better regulation and avoid unnecessary overregulation.

Key words: Vitamins/minerals/foodstuffs/maximum amount/ minimum amount

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 09/06 ab Seite 336.

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