FINDRISK – Development of a questionnaire to estimate the risk of diabetes

A. Schuppenies, H. Jacobey, St. Bornstein, P. E. H. Schwarz, Dresden

To prevent the growing incidence of type II diabetes by a simple and effective strategy, a questionnaire was developed in Finland to identify individuals at a higher risk of diabetes. The questionnaire comprises eight questions to be answered. To use the questionnaire in Germany, a mere translation was adapted to the conditions prevailing in Germany such as, e.g. different dietary habits. A graph was included for reasons of simplification and better understanding.

The order of the questions was also changed as interviews of persons not belonging to the medical profession have shown that the questionnaire is completely answered more readily when “difficult” questions (calculation of BMI) appear at its end. In view of the increasing incidence of type II diabetes in young individuals, the age group of under 35 years was included into the German optimized version of the questionnaire.

This version is presently being evaluated with regard to the individual predictive risk of developing type II diabetes within 10 years to follow. Then it shall be used as a simple screening tool in risk patients who will be included in an intervention campaign for a change in lifestyle to prevent an outbreak of the disease.

Key words: FINDRISK / questionnaire risk of diabetes / estimation / development

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/06 ab Seite 386.

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