Brief questionnaire to determine the risk of diabetes according to the German diabetes-risk score

Matthias B. Schulze, Christine Holmberg, Kurt Hoffmann, Heiner Boeing, Hans-Georg Joost, Potsdam

A brief questionnaire was developed on the basis of the German diabetes-risk score . The questionnaire is intended to be a simple and low-cost screening tool to be completed by individual persons without professional help.

The continuous values of risk factors in the DRS had been subsumed under categories which were weighted with points according to the observed risk-relations. The number of points in the brief questionnaire is between 0 and 93. Handling and understandability of the questionnaire are evaluated. The predictive exactness of DRS and of the questionnaire are comparable.

Keywords: Diabetes type 2, risk factors, EPIC Potsdam study, likeliness of falling ill, screening tool, questionnaire

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 12/07 ab Seite 698.

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