Salutogenesis – a model provoking a change in thinking

Part 1: Antonovsky’s model of salutogenesis

Barbara Methfessel, Heidelberg

The model of salutogenesis according to Antonovsky has widely been discussed among health scientists. Critical comments and extensions of the concept are presented and their consequences for the role of nutrition within the frame-work of health promotion discussed.

Fundamentals of the model are not discussed in contradiction to a biomedically orientated pathogenesis, risk research or even therapy, but regarded as the central basis of health promotion. Apart from open questions to be answered by research, the challenges are described as a necessary reorientation and related to the professional ingenuity of nutritionists.

Keywords: Salutogenesis, health promotion, stress, health, disease, feeling of coherence, coping, compliance

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 12/07 ab Seite 704.

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