Planning and organisation of school catering

Elisabeth Leicht-Eckardt, Osnabrück

School catering with a hot lunch has become more important in all-day schools. The available rooms, equipment and organisation must all be considered in advance, together with the relationship to the pupils’ eating behaviour and nutritional training in the school.

The school catering authorities must involve all participants in advance, as well as local and regional suppliers and waste managers outside the school. This helps to guarantee long-term sustainable, economic, ecological and socially acceptable school catering. There are various possible operating concepts and catering forms and these require different kitchens. New networking between school catering and publications can provide support for decisions specific to the school.

Keywords: School catering, all-day school, nutritional training, catering systems

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 01/10 ab Seite 26.

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