Finger food for patients with dementia

K. Ramseyer, M. Knecht, P. Camenisch, M. Spitz, M. Bachmann, CH-Wädenswil, B. Hohmann-Beck, CH-Zürich

Dementia patients frequently suffer from nutrient deficits which may be partly compensated by use of specially designed finger food. 144 old age and nursing homes participated in the study to determine nutritional tendencies.

The results have shown that 85 % of the homes try to improve food intake by their residents by improving the atmosphere in the dining halls. Furthermore, 61 % of the homes are interested in the introduction of finger food, while 10 % completely reject finger food because of the residents’ conservative attitude towards any change. Two sweet and two savoury finger food products were developed in compliance with essential nutritional recommendations and taking the most frequent ailments into account.

Sweet finger foods were offered as snacks twice a day in different places. The patients liked these products. Savoury products were presented as a supplement to main meals on a separate plate. This way of serving finger food has been found to be less favourable, however, because the patients frequently did not know how to respond. In order to ensure the acceptance of finger food, residents of homes and their relatives should first be informed about the reasons and advantages of the innovation.

Keywords: finger food, dementia, old age and nursing homes, malnutrition, independence, nursing fees.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 02/08 ab Seite 78.

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